God is Speaking
God is Speaking
Social media gets rightly blamed for a lot of the toxicity that is around in modern life-online trolls, virtual stalking, cyber bullying which, if you let it, can lead to real issues about self esteem leading to depression and anxiety. Fortunately, social media can also be a force for good. One of the good things is that with the algorithms that platforms such as You Tube, Facebook and Tik Tok use, if you stick to the spiritually healthy and righteous material, you will see more of that type popping up on your account.
A recent example of the good stuff that as a Christian you can see is a short (2.5 minutes) film entitled ‘God is Speaking’ produced by a Christian filmmaker (‘Joseph the Dreamer’). So the story is that a man gets up in the morning to go to work but is preoccupied by his busy life. His alarm wakes him up but he misses a yellow sticky note on the back of it saying “Love Ya!”. He cleans his teeth but misses the sticky note on his bathroom cabinet asking “Call me”. As he dresses himself for work a sticky note on the back of his suit tells him “You’re great!”. He talks to someone on his mobile missing the note suggesting “Speak soon?”. Making his way out of his building a note in the lift tells him “You’ve got this”. On the tube to work he reads a paper whilst ignoring two messages telling him “It’s OK “ and “I’m here”. This is repeated whilst he is at work. On his return home he ignores the message “I’m proud of you”. At home he eats a take away pizza whilst listening to music even though behind him his entire kitchen wall is full of yellow sticky notes telling him “Let’s catch up”, “Call me when you are free” , “Be still” and “I’m here for you”. The film ends with two messages written in yellow “God is speaking” and “Are you listening?”
You can view the short film by following the link below but it is a very simple but very powerful way to show how so many of us go about our daily lives preoccupied with all kinds of trivial stuff whilst the big important things like having a relationship with God tends to be ignored by us. It can be so difficult with the lives we tend to live to always pick up the messages that God is sending to us-sometimes they can be quite subtle thoughts rather than those written on yellow sticky notes!
The spiritual art though is to avoid being consumed too much by our personal and professional lives that we are ignoring God. He wants to have a relationship with us, He wants to support and bolster us, to listen to what is going on in our lives and to take on His shoulders our burdens.
As much as you can I would urge you to ‘listen’ because God is speaking to us daily. As Jesus said “Whoever has ears let them hear”.
Tags: God, facebook, You Tube, tiktok, Joseph The Dreamer